10 Facts about Easter Festival That You Should Know

As far as holidays are concerned, Easter Day might not be as famous as other Christian festivals like Christmas or Halloween, but it still has rich traditions and rituals that can raise anyone’s mood and spirit. One of the most interesting parts of this festivity is the annual celebration of spring and renewal of life. Most Christians based religions celebrate Easter to honor the resurrection of their Lord, while secular celebrations focus on Easter egg hunting, egg decoration and much more. So, here some of the Easter staples that you should know about this enjoyable feast.

10 Facts about Easter Festival

Easter 2017 is just around the corner, with the spring festival falling on Sunday, April 16th this year and although you are probably getting excited about your colorful Easter Eggs and your time off work, there are some things about the holiday you won’t likely know about.

The Name

The exact origin of the name of the Easter is unknown, but some resources claimed that the term Easter derives from the Anglo-Saxon word Eastre or Eostre means a spring or dawn goddess. Esotre is known as the goddess of spring as well as fertility who was honored at the festival of Pagan celebrating the arrival of spring season.

Ancient origins

The celebration of Easter has a long history and various traditions that evolved from Pagan symbols. According to belief, Roman catholic churches merged the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection with commemoration that contained rituals of spring festivity in order to make Christianity more attractive to other religions.

Easter Eggs

The tradition of Easter Eggs and Easter Bunny are emerged from the ancient spring fertility rituals. In fact, the custom of giving eggs has been traced back to Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians for whom egg was the symbol of life. Decorating eggshells traced back as the early Christians practices who dyed egg red in the remembrance of the blood of Christ, while the tradition of cracking open Easter eggs is to celebrate the empty tomb of Jesus.

Decorating Easter Eggs

The art of painting eggs is called pysanka which originates from the Ukraine. With the help of wax-resist method Easter eggs are decorated with beautiful folk motifs. Today you can buy artificial colors, but one’s egg dyed they made out of natural ingredients such as flower petals, onion peels, tree bark, and juices.

Easter Bunny

Rabbit is known as a symbol of fertility and it was also an earthly symbol of the goddess Eostre.  As per the legends, Easter Bunny lays eggs and brings gifts to children which he puts into a basket that in a specified place or hide them somewhere in the house or garden so that kids can find them when they wake up in the morning.

Most expensive Easter Egg

The Mirage Egg which is crossed between a Faberge egg and Damien Hirst’s jewel encrusted skull. It is made by the team of artists around the word that took 3 years to complete. The outer shell has 1000 diamonds and inside contains 18 carat gold globe. This globe opens to reveal a crystal dove perched on a gold olive branch. The Mirage Egg was sold for $ 5 million and is presently owned by a mystery collector.

The Weirdest Easter Tradition

Easter is celebrated across the world by each and every catholic country but in slightly different manner. For example, in the Philippines, around hundreds of catholic spend Good Friday self-flagellating and also nailing people to cross just to replicate the suffering of Jesus Christ.

The Weirdest Easter meal

In Greece, after midnight resurrection service, people consumes a traditional meal called magiritsa, which is a lamb soup that consists of all the offal removed from the lamb before roasting it.

The world’s largest Easter Egg
The tallest Chocolate Easter Egg was made around 10.39 meters tall and weighed 7,200 Kg. It was taller than a giraffe and larger than an elephant. It was made in Italy in the year 2011. In Portugal, the largest decorated egg made in 2008 which reached almost 15 m in height and 8m in diameter.

Candy Consumption

In the US, more 700 million marshmallow Peeps, over 16 million jelly beans as well as more than 90 million chocolate bunnies are consumed during Easter.  Americans spend more than $ 1.9 billion on Easter Candy, with making Easter as the second biggest candy holiday after the festival of Halloween.


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